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Coconut Oil

If I had to choose one food item above all others as the most important, it would be Coconut Oil. It is one of the very few oils to be heat stable and full of the good kind of fat. Yes it is saturated fat but no it won't make you fat and clog your arteries. The health benefits gained from regular use of coconut oil are immense. I'm no doctor or dietician so I have no idea of the science behind it but do your research and you will see how it can make a massive difference to you health. I buy in bulk from Amazon, Cold pressed extra virgin oil is best. 


What can I say?  I love eggs, we eat loads of them, lovely and fresh produced by our own chooks. Worried that too many eggs are bad for you?  read this ....   Three eggs a day keeps the doctor away!


Almonds are a "superfood" they have so many health benefits. They are rich in vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Additionally, almonds are a significant source of protein and fibre, while being naturally low in sugar. They make a great snack particularly the roasted, salted ones.

Coconut Milk

As we are dairy free in our house I use coconut milk a lot. It makes creamy ice cream and is great for non-dairy live yoghurt. I also use it to make custard and to pour over porridge or puddings. Check the ingredients on the tin though. Many of them have nasties added to keep the milk from separating. The fewer the ingredients the better. I buy TRS from Amazon by the case load! It works out a lot cheaper that way and the only ingredients are coconut (85%) and water.

Almond Milk

Packed with calcium, almond milk makes a good dairy alternative. I use it to make porridge, pancakes or to replace cows milk in any recipe. Watch out some of them are sweetened though, make sure you pick up the sugar free one.


I struggled to find a decent sweetener. I couldn't get on with stevia and wanted to avoid anything artificial. I am currently using xylitol. It looks like sugar, is low carb and low GI. It is a tad expensive but works out better if you buy in bulk over the internet. However, there is differing opinion as to whether it is good for you or not. I may try something else, any suggestions?

Herbal Tea

I steer clear of coffee and tend to drink plain water or herbal teas. I like peppermint, ginger and green tea. 

Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is gluten free and low in net carbs. It takes time to get used to cooking with it because it is so absorbant, more liquid / eggs are needed than with conventional flours. I use it for pancakes, cakes and coconut bread.

Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat flour has an unusual taste and takes a bit of getting used to. However, once the taste is acquired it is extremely useful for cooking gluten free recipes. I use it in my coconut bread see recipe page for details.

I don't profess to be a medic or a nutritionist and my blog is not intended to offer advice on health. It is a journal of a lifestyle that works for me and an opportunity to share information and ideas. Ultimately you must make your own decisions as to what foods you consider to be beneficial and heathly.

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