Saturday 19 October 2013

Burger & Chips please!!

"What would you like for tea?" I asked.
"Burger, chips and beans" he replied with a smirk.

Here is my healthy version:

Burger made with minced beef, chopped onion and some salt and pepper.
Beans made with chopped tomatoes, chopped onions, haricot beans and some salt.
Chips made from very thinly sliced parsnips fried in coconut oil.

Quick, affordable and healthy.

Friday 18 October 2013

Trick or Treat?

 A row of pumpkins all lined up along the wall of a local house. For Sale at £1.90 each
I thought I'd better get one.
I cut the lid and scooped out the pulp and seeds, then I cut out the flesh to make the puree.

I made the pumpkin
puree for my dairy, grain
and sugar free pie
by steaming it and
then pulsing in the
blender. See my
recipe page to make
the pumpkin pie.

I carved the obligatory lantern then..

washed the seeds and roasted them with some coconut oil and some pink rock salt. They make a tasty, healthy snack.

The chickens enjoyed the pulp for their supper, so nothing was wasted;


               Conclusion:  Definitely a Treat!